“The unblogged life is not worth living,” or so Socrates might have said had he lived in 2010. That being the case, and against all my instincts and better judgments, I begin to compose this narrative of my 2-year enlistment in the Peace Corps, which, let’s hope, will be worth examining.
I'm going to Perú.
A few choice Perú factoids:
- Three times the size of California.
- Population 29 million.
- Capital, Lima.
- Monetary unit, the nuevo sol. Value, about .35US.
- Climate, highly variable. Temperate or even arid (45–90F) along the coast (see map); cold (0–50F) in the high central mountains (the Andes); tropical (65–95F) in the eastern, Amazonian lowlands.
- Favorite alcoholic beverage: pisco, a clear liquor distilled from grapes. From pisqu, Quechua for little bird.
I’ll be leaving for Perú on June 10.
And by the way: The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or of the Peace Corps. If that doesn’t keep you reading then nothing will.
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